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Status: Operational
Capacity (MWac): 20
Capacity (MWdc): 26
Annual Production (GWh) 59
Off-taker: Pacific Gas & Electric

The West Antelope Project is a 20MWac photovoltaic power plant located in Lost Angeles, CA. The project is built on fallow agricultural land, and supplies power to Pacific Gas & Electric under a 25-year Power Purchase Agreement. 


Initial development work began in 2010 and the project achieved commercial operation in Q2 2014. The plant uses polycrystalline photovoltaic modules and single axis trackers to generate ~59 GWh per year, enough electricity to power ~5,500 homes. 


The project is currently owned by Dominion Resources. 

Effective # of households served


Avoided Emissions/yr (Tons of Carbon)


Equivalent # of cars removed from road



TUUSSO Energy’s approach to development is focused on reducing cost and maximize long term revenue potential.

© 2008-2019 TUUSSO ENERGY LLC.
All rights reserved.

500 Yale Ave. North

Seattle WA 98109



TUUSSO Energy is a Seattle-based developer of utility-scale solar plants founded in 2008. TUUSSO focuses on developing mid-sized projects in close proximity to existing transmission infrastructure and targets previously disturbed sites where impacts to environmentally sensitive areas can be avoided. 

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